Sex offender data threatening home values, tarnishing neighborhoods and frustrating real estate agents

Allan Van Inwegen said he received some unsettling news almost immediately after moving into a home with his wife and two children about 14 years ago. His neighbors told him they were living in a property right next door to a sex offender, “who happened to be 17 with a green mohawk,” said Inwegen, a broker in Denver.

But after some digging, he discovered that the offender wasn’t exactly a menace. The 17-year-old had had sex with his 15-year-old girlfriend, and the girl’s father, a preacher, had caught them and pressed charges. Full Article

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All this poorly written article does is blame registrants. The writer’s only “research” is anecdotal and focuses solely on property values. From what I could gather he is tacitly saying the laws are not stringent enough.

What I found most disturbing is the real estate companies including registrant information on their websites. If this isn’t a misuse of the registry I don’t know what is.

This disturbing behavior by the real estate industry should be fought in court immediately.

Hey… the more sex offenders the justice machine produces and revels to the public.. The better chance that I’ll find a affordable house to buy if and when I get the money too…. Sounds like good news to me…

One of my dreams is to hit the lottery and buy a home (cash) in an exclusive gated community. Once they find that I’m a RSO, and home values plummet, I’ll start buying their castles at a very devalued price. I’ll own four or five homes, then move out and sell, making a killing on their fear! Yeah Baybee!

You gotta wonder if there would be such a big concern if a murderer or druggie lived next door; or maybe a gang banger. I don’t think that would affect property values.

2001, I purchased a house in a small town, (during the beginning of my criminal case) after both separate County Probation offices agreed to let me move to a different county. At that time, I did not know of how many Registered Citizens were in my new neighborhood. After looking I found I was clustered with at least 25+ Registered Citizens within 1 mile of my house with most within 3 blocks and one at my back fence. I assume the cluster is from being a low economic area. I hope there is safety in numbers? I’m sure it is hurting my property values. Do I have to disclose (during a property sale) that there are RSOs in my neighborhood? Thank you Janice for the hope you give us. I truly believe most of us here are not pervs. I believe most of us just made one mistake or got falsely accused of a crime without any kind of a real impartial justice system. I spent my whole like working around the criminal justice system as a victim advocate and was so shocked to find out (after the aggressive charges)the true dark side of our justice system. It’s like the lawyers, court officers and employees are in a religious cult (or “justice cult”) and not recognizing that the justice system (cult) is not always right. It’s run by humans and humans make mistakes.

Ron in Lake Co.
I dont know for sure, but Im thinking that YOU shouldnt have to disclose that. After all the stupid web site (megans law ) is a public site with access for anyone (except those it shows on the list) so if a potential buyer does his homework, he’d know about the registrants in the neighborhood.

Add this to the plethora of negative effects of the registry being made public.

This is a problem created by the public themselves (bunch of nit wit’s), yet they try to place the blame on us! If they would stop listening to the BS politicians and police and look for the facts themselves they might be able to make an intelligent decision. Serves em right. If this continues perhaps I could buy a house and I would be good living next door to a registrant because I am a registrant and know that the vast majority of registrants are possibly the most honest and law abiding group of people there are. I believe I would trust and believe someone on the registry before I would believe a cop, politician, so called public servant or regular citizen 🙂